Trump Bans TikTok and WeChat Apps From USA App Stores

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The Trump Administration has announced that it will ban the download of both TikTok and WeChat starting this Sunday. The Chinese-originated apps, which are used by more than 100 million people in the U.S., are expected to be banned from Google and Apple's app stores for posing a threat to national security and citizens' privacy. In the case of WeChat, an instant messaging platform, all money transfers or payments using the application will also be prohibited. In addition, all companies will be prevented from offering hosting, content distribution networks or other resources that can circumvent WeChat restrictions, making it illegal to use app code on any service or software in the USA.

Regarding TikTok, which is a social video network, the prohibitions on the provision of services will also apply from 12 November. Until then, negotiations for the sale of the application continue, with a consortium led by Oracle leading the race to buy the app.

In statements cited by the press, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said: “At the President’s direction, we have taken significant action to combat China’s malicious collection of American citizens’ personal data, while promoting our national values, democratic rules-based norms, and aggressive enforcement of U.S. laws and regulations.”

In other news, earlier this week, Donald Trump made the headlines by accepting an offer made by comedian and podcast host Joe Rogan for a debate with Joe biden.

“If they wanted to do that – they both wanted to come here in Austin, sit down and have a debate – I would 100% do it,” said Joe Rogan during his podcast.

Tim Kennedy wrote:

“On my podcast with @joerogan he offered to moderate a debate between @JoeBiden and @realDonaldTrump It would be four hours with no live audience. Just the two candidates, cameras, and their vision of how to move this country forward. Who wants this? #debates #Election2020”

To which Donald Trump simply responded:

“I do!”

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