Good news! Corey Taylor confirms EVERY canceled Slipknot show WILL happen next year.


Corey Taylor has confirmed that all of the band's previously announced 2020 tour dates have been moved to 2021 and they plan to play the same places that were canceled this year. Last month, Slipknot canceled all of its 2020 tour dates due to the coronavirus crisis.

Corey Taylor said the following during the last episode of the “Trunk Nation” episode:

“This whole year was booked, and some stuff that hadn't necessarily been announced…We had two shed tours booked — we hadn't even announced the second leg of it, which was gonna be later in the fall. So right now, we've basically moved everything until next year. Everything is just basically being picked up and moved — same time next year. Because to us, we're not canceling — we're just postponing. Once everything settles down and everybody is able to catch their breath and everything, and everybody feels good, and hopefully there's been some progress made as far as a vaccine or whatnot, once the tentative fear goes away, everyone's gonna be barking to go to shows. And that's when we're gonna be ready to go again. So, yeah, we just basically moved everything to next year.”

According to Taylor, Slipknot’s touring cycle, which was originally going to run through the end of the year, is being extended to include all the previously planned shows.

Corey added:

“We're definitely gonna finish up the tour cycle. 'Cause right up until the point where we ended up having to pull the dates, everybody was still, like, 'Are you still coming?' Even though everything was kind of locked down, everybody was still really excited for us to come. If it didn't make any sense, we weren't gonna do it. It just made more sense for us to postpone everything to next year and honor the tickets that we already have, that already are out there, and give something for people to look forward to next year.”

Do you plan to attend to the new Slipknot concert dates in 2021?

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