Dee Snider Goes After Donald Trump: “Well Done, I Hope You Are Proud”

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Dee Snider says “Well done, Donald Trump, I hope you are proud”

Dee Snider, the legendary Twisted Sister frontman had some words to say about a video that has been circulating on Twitter. In this video, Jodi Deoring, an ER nurse from South Dakota, reveals what has been happening in the hospitals during this pandemic. The nurse shares that a huge amount of patients do not believe COVID-19 is real and even refuse to call their family and friends to inform them they have been infected.

Sebastian Bach shared the video on his Twitter account and added the following message:

“This ER nurse from South Dakota describes what it's like for people who refuse to believe in science in an America with no leadership. So sorry for her and everyone affected by this horrific disease Folded hands. Thank the Lord for #America voting for a plan out of this hell Face with medical mask @JoeBiden”

Snider saw the video and replied:

“UNBELIEVABLE! This is the insanity of the non-believers! As they die of Covid, they refuse to accept the truth. Well done, @realDonaldTrump I hope you are proud.”

Read both messages below:

This is not the first time Dee Snider shared his opinion on Donald Trump

Dee Snider, the legendary frontman of the heavy metal band Twisted Sister, is a very active voice and personality on Twitter. In a series of recent, he explains his “aggressive & intense” exchanges with “idiot Trump followers”.

Dee says: As a Christian I can tell you that propagating a lie is as good as lying and that’s a sin. From my Sunday school teachings I know Jesus would NOT be a Trump supporter. Shane on you for abandoning your faith and looking the other way. #sinner

In another tweet, he adds: FRIENDS AND FOLLOWERS PLEASE READ! If I seem overly aggressive & intense in my exchanges with these idiot Trump followers it’s because I’m trying to lead by example. We need to push back as hard as they are...even harder. To their credit they are loud & proud. WE SHOULD BE TOO!!

Read Dee Snider’s tweets below:

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